Planning and Zoning Information
SEE "City Meetings Calendar" for meeting dates, times and information.
City of East Gull Lake, MN Code of Ordinances
This web site is not to be used as a legal document. A copy of the City of East Gull Lake, MN Code of Ordinances can be found at East Gull Lake, MN City Hall, 10790 Squaw Point Road, during regular business hours.
“The City of East Gull Lake Code of Ordinances is published online as a convenience to citizens and the business community. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material published online, the only official edition of the City Code is the printed version maintained by the Administrative Clerk.
Downloaded versions are not official. Note the City Council may have made amendments, additions or deletions to the City Code subsequent to the latest online version of the code”.
To see the City of East Gull Lake's Zoning Map and or Code of Ordinances click on the links below.
(These documents are PDF files and you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open. Acrobat Reader is a free program available at