Brainerd Daily Dispatch, Monday July 17, 1916, Shooting at the Dam and Tuesday, December 19, 1916; Setula Given $2,500 Verdict

Brainerd DAILY DISPATCH       Monday July 17, 1916


Brainerd Man Has Head Clubbed and Received Bullet Through Side Sunday Morning


Mampel, Caretaker at the Dam, Claims He Shot in Self Defense When Assailed

      Mike Setula, a former policeman of Brainerd and now living at a homestead near the Gull Lake dam, had his head clubbed and was shot through the left side by A. Mampel, the caretaker at the dam, in an altercation there Sunday morning at about 8 o’clock.

     Mampel notified Sheriff Claus A. Theorin of the shooting and immediately called up Dr. R.A. Beise of Brainerd.  The doctor drove out in his car and quickly brought the injured man to the Sisters hospital where his wounds were dressed.

     Mampel’s story is to the effect that he had ordered one of Setula’s party of fishermen off the government grounds and that Setula took his part.  He alleges that he was assailed by Setula and that he defended himself as best he could.  At the second rush upon him, Mampel said that he fired in self defense.  The Dam is located in Cass County.  Mampel also notified government officials in St. Paul.

     Setula was seen at the hospital last night.  Doctors were removing wrapping and putting on fresh gauze.  He had been hit about two inches below the heart and the bullet had passed  through his body, taking a downward course and shattering a couple of ribs and coming out between the eleventh and twelfth ribs, two inches to the left of the spinal column.  Setula thought that it was an automatic revolver of 38 caliber.

     Setula said the quarrel started over practically nothing.  Three of his friends had come to his home about a mile north of the dam to get minnows at the dam.

     In the party were John Aroola and Wm. Ritari and one other man.  Setula said Aroola stepped on the grass at the dam location and Mampel went after him “radically.”

     “Give my friends the same rights as you do yours,” Setula claimed he replied to Mampel.

     He claimed Mampel struck him over the head with the butt of his revolver.  He has a cut an inch and a half long on top of his head which the doctor dressed.  A mixup followed and Setula claimed Mampel then fired.

     At the time Aroola was on the other side of the dam, the trouble taking place on the lawn near the dam.

     Setula is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Carmen’s Union.  The wound bled freely and he said he suffered much pain as he was taken over the roads to the hospital.

     Setula has a wife and five children and lives on the homestead.

     Witnesses were summoned at noon to the office of Sheriff Claus A. Theorin with County Attorney Edward L. Rogers and Sheriff Mack Kennedy of Walker in attendance.  Among those assembled were the three members of the fishing party, John Aroovla,  Wm. Ritari and John Anni.  Aroola boards at the home of Ritari.  Anni lives on Sixteenth Street.  Each was questioned separately.

     It is said a warrant charging assault with a dangerous weapon may be sworn out against Mampel.

     Setula this afternoon was suffering from severe pain and was not able to answer all questions put to him by County Attorney Rogers.

     Mampel has no attorney at present.  He was taken to Walker on the afternoon train in company with Sheriff Mack Kennedy and County Attorney Edward L. Rogers.



Mike Setula Said to Have Been Shot With an Army Colt 44 Caliber



Tuesday, December 19, 1916

Setula Given $2,500 Verdict

Jury finds for Plaintiff in his Suit Against A. Mampel  Dam Caretaker

$90 for Doctor and Hospital

      In district court a jury found for Mike Setula and awarded him  $2,500  in his suit against A. Mampel and $90 for hospital and doctors fees.

     Setula charged that he was assaulted by the caretaker of the dam, was hit over the head with a pistol butt and then shot through his side.

     Mampel swore he acted in self-defense and upon being rushed by Setula he had fired.


Researched by Terry McCullough

Transcribed by Jack Hickerson