East Gull Lake to Dedicate Airstrip Friday

BRAINERD DAILY DISPATCH                           
July 5, 1961

East Gull Lake residents, aware of the history of their air transportation problems, see the significance of having Gov. Elmer Anderson dedicate the new 2,500  foot strip Friday.

Twenty–five years ago the area where the new strip is located was used for an emergency air strip when the then Governor Floyd B. Olson became ill and required emergency treatment at Rochester.

A large three-engined plane landed on the flat area adjacent to the county road, picked up the governor and took off.  In the meantime, residents of the area have worked hard to promote an airfield for pleasure use in addition to such emergencies.

Prior to the emergency trip for Governor Olson in 1938, no one in the resort area thought an airfield was necessary.  Since that time, the number of planes used for pleasure travel has increased  steadily.  A half-dozen planes were parked adjacent to the strip yesterday afternoon.

Earlier this year when the Crow Wing flying club held a fly-in breakfast, more than 100 planes from several nearby states flew in to inspect the grass-covered runway and the facilities of nearby resorts at Pine Beach.

Governor Anderson will dedicate the strip at ceremonies beginning at 7:30 p.m. Friday.