Welcome to East Gull Lake, MN!
Located in the heart of the Brainerd Lakes region of Cass County in Central Minnesota, the City of East Gull Lake was incorporated in 1947. With numerous lakes, over 38 miles of shoreline, woods, and wetlands, the city has long been a favorite tourist destination and a wonderful place to raise our families. Its close proximity to the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St Paul makes it an ideal location for both year-round and seasonal residents, vacationers, and tourists.
The City incorporates 14.82 square miles, of which 7.86 are land and 6.96 are water. It is bordered by Crow Wing County to the east, Fairview Township to the west, Sylvan Township to the south, and the City of Lake Shore to the north.
The USACE Gull Lake Recreation Area is just a short distance from City Hall. To make reservations or inquire about boat launching go to their website or call (651) 290-5772 for more information.

Business Directory & Web Links
Included is a list of various businesses in the area. This list is not all inclusive and is no endorsement of any particular business.
There is also a list of web links associated with East Gull Lake included.

Public Notices